Sunday, 22 September 2013


I'm so sorry I've abandoned you. :'(



Wut the rainbow.


Monday, 16 September 2013

Yay :D

MSP is too safe. Knifes have turned into frying pans? REALLY? It can't hurt anyone....So why d'ya get rid of it? O-O Anyway, Gracie put as her animation for her status, the frying pan/knife...AND I SAW A KNIFE! :D:D:D:D

Second thing, I found out I had a rare top :D It's just a safe-internet day one, but I'm ecstatic that I have a rare. Now, Gracie, you know why you can't buy it.

I have to give a shout out to Olivie (Katedowy009) for giving me the safe internet day top. You didn't know it was a rare did you? I thought it was quite ugly to be honest but now it's a rare it's.....BEAUTIFUL! :D

Anyways, that's all from me,

Sopheh out :)

Sunday, 1 September 2013


Yes a blank page is very amazing

My New Account

I now have a new account. This will become my main one from now on. The username is: RainbowDarlingUnicorn. (Very girly.. I know :p) Please add me, and help me level up if possible. Thanks!
Hm.. I think I may call myself.. Rainbow? Hehe.
