Sunday, 18 August 2013

Dark Twins

There are these 2 people, called Darktwin1 and Darktwin2. Grace has posted pictures about them, and Anonymous and The dolly. There is also a picture of me telling the Dark twins not to hack gracie...:)

The Anonymous and The Dolly, are fakers. Me and Grace have a club of people and we go into chat rooms and find fake hackers. These people cannot hack and just dress up as hackers to scare you. The real Anonymous, you cannot click on her, there is no name underneath her and she doesn't talk or move. Do not worry, seeing the real Anon is very rare and usually they will just be fakes in the chatroom. Very rarely do you see The Dolly too.

The Darktwins are in chatrooms. Me and Grace have only just seen them today, they seem quite new. They claim that they are hackers but we're not sure yet. As it shows in the pictures, they said that The dolly knows Graces name and that they have been in her house. We don't know if this is true.


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